Jonah's Story
Writing has come late to me. Despite having read thousands of books, it didn't occur to me to try and write one until 2022. Two extremely vivid dreams on successive nights stayed in my mind, and seemed to demand to be joined up into a story. Before I knew it, I'd written eight chapters of what was to become The Bear of Pichesham.
I'm still what they call a 'pantser'. I like to write intuitively without knowing what is going to happen next. I was pleased with the world-building in my work in progress, but the story was meandering around all over the place. I never could plan well, but, to make a novel you HAVE to plan. So I set about learning the rudiments of the craft of writing. It took a year and the help of some great teachers, but I came out of it with a book that has a beginning, a middle, and end. It has character development. It has surprises and twists. It resolves.
I'm starting on the next book, an expansion of the world of The Bear of Pichesham. The provisional title is The Soul Stone, but we shall see in due course.
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